General Information
The Kryoneri Multicentre is housed in the Community Square, a building that belongs to the Municipality of Sikyonia. The building has been granted in 2013 to the Cultural Association of Kryoneri, to be used for “Cultural, sports, educational environmental activities, as well as social protection and solidarity activities”, for a period of five years. The program was facilited by the European LEADER + Program.
The “Kryoneri Multicenter” Project received 31,900 EUR in financing for purchasing the necessary equipment, through the Northern Peloponnese Development Company. The application for funding was submitted by the Cultural Association of Kryoneri Youth, in close cooperation and with the support of all 8 institutions of Kryoneri. The project started in November 2013 and was finalized in June 2015.

Who can use the Multicentre?
The title “Multicentre” or “Polycentre“ implies a multi-purpose space, that can be used by all citizens of the rural community of Kryoneri, regardless of their age. The Polycentre is primarily a place of meeting and cultural expression, which aims to cultivate and nurture the aesthetics of the public and to uphold solidarity, peace and love for humanitarian values.
The Multicentre has a Coordinating Committee of 11 members, who decide on all the issues related to the Multicentre’s operations. The Committee was established by a decision of the Boards of Directors (B.O.D) of all 8 public bodies of Kryoneri, including the Local Council. The B.O.D has the responsibility of appointing the Committee members. The Cultural Youth Association has been granted the right to have 3 representatives in the Committee.
Any person or organisation wishing to use the Polycentre must apply to the chairman of the Steering Committee. First, the Committee analyses whether the proposed activities fit with the purpose of the venue and then ensures that the Polycentre is prepared in time for the relevant events. The applicant may also use the venue for rehearsals within a certain time frame. The Polycentre is allocated as a priority to the local associations of Kryoneri, but it can also host other events organised by cultural associations or educational institutions that do not detract from its character and are appropriate to the important role it is called upon to play in the life of the region.
The Multicentre gives priority to hosting cultural, educational, informative and entertainment events, which, according to the opinion of the Coordinating Committee, have appropriate content that corresponds to the area, in order to become a pole of attraction.
What activities can be organised at the Multicentre?
It hosts, as a matter of priority, cultural, educational, informational and entertainment events. The Multicentre aims to become a pole of attraction, not only for the residents of Kryoneri, but also for the general public in neighboring areas.
The activities that have already been developed in the area are:
- Traditional and folk dances, organised by the Cultural Association of Youth of Kryoneri
- The Choir “Friends of Tradition” of the ecclesiastical parish of “Agia Triada”, Kryoneri
- Movie screenings
- Educational events
- National anniversary events
- Meetings of public bodies
- Cultural workshops
- Music events
- Skits and other events for children and adults
- Karate classes
- Ping pong games
- European youth cultural and educational meetings
- Art workshops for children and other youth

At the moment, a second floor is being built on the polykentro. There will be built a library, another conference room for seminars and an office aswell. The view from the new outdoor terrace is very beautiful!