The Lower Fountain (Kato Vrisi) of the village is located under the hiking trail of the river Elisson. In the past it supplied the village with water, just like Upper Fountain (Pano Vrisi) did. It is one of the oldest fountains in the village as indicated by the arch above each trough showing a clear influence of the older Turkish architecture. The form we see today was built, around 1915, by Manolis Praxoulis and his son John. But we do not know what its previous form was. The traditional path that leads to Lower Fountain was recreated in a pilot project (1999-2006) and is the only one of its kind in Greece. It started as an action of the “European Voluntary Service for Youth” project, under the responsibility of the Youth Organization “Filoxenia”, in which young people from various European countries participated. Also, the area around the fountain was cleaned and paved and stone benches were built.