Audioguided tour: “Memory Walk“

Here you can find the audioguide (Podcast on Spotify) in different languages. More languages will be added soon. As you don‘t have an internet connection all along the trail, you should download the files before. English audioguide We will also upload the audioguide as a mp3 and text file soon… Read more about the hiking …

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Women’s Association “Erifili“

The Women’s Association of Kryoneri, Corinthia “Erifili”, was founded in 2021. The love and contribution of the Association to women and to the community in general, the intensive and systematic work on the problems of the local society of Kryoneri, but also its contribution to general issues, have established it in the consciousness of the …

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Σύλλογος Γυναικών «Εριφύλλη» 

Ο Σύλλογος Γυναικών Κρυονερίου Ν. Κορινθίας « Η Εριφύλη», ιδρύθηκε το έτος 2021. Η αγάπη και προσφορά του Συλλόγου στην Γυναίκα και γενικότερα στον συνάνθρωπο, η εντατική και συστηματική δουλειά για την αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων της τοπικής κοινωνίας του Κρυονερίου, αλλά και η συνεισφορά του σε γενικότερα ζητήματα τον καθιέρωσαν στην συνείδηση του κόσμου. Σκοπός του …

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Elisson River Trail

General information This path descends to Kato Vrisi, a traditional 18th century fountain, located in the valley of the river Elissonas, which originates from Kryoneri  and flows into the Corinthian Gulf in the town of Kiatos. The river is known since antiquity, flowing southeast in the middle of the village. The  path offers amphitheatrical views of the village and panoramic views of the green valley of Elisson. Guests can enjoy a beautiful natural  landscape with lush vegetation and towering century-old plane trees. The Elisson River Trail leads along the beautiful Elisson river below the Hostel. If you walk along behind the church and pass a house below the road, you are just right. Here you will see the Lower Fountain at the beginnig of the trail. When you …

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Lower Fountain

The Lower Fountain (Kato Vrisi) of the village is located down on the Elisson River Hiking Trail / Natural Footpath. In former times it used to supply the village with water, just like the Upper Fountain did.

Hiking & Biking Trails Overview

1. Memory Walk: Karamanos Hiking Trail The Karamanos cave (842 m) is located on the slope of a forested hillside, 2 km away from the Kryoneri village. The Memory Walk: Karamanos hiking trail starts at the Amphitheatre, then continues uphill, giving you a marvellous glance over the Corinth Gulf. On the left, you can also …

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