During World War 2, the village hid a Jewish family from the Nazis, who often drove through the villages of the region in search of resistance fighters. In these cases, the family had to move out of the house in which they normally lived, to take refuge in the Karamanos cave that could not be seen from the road. The family consisted of 7 members. Rivka, the youngest daughter, came back to Kryoneri a few years ago and recognized everything and thanked the people. In her honor the community built a path to the cave and 7 stumbling stones were laid in the village for her and her family. They were not meant to stand for death, but as a reminder for the good deeds of the community. In total, they had to flee to the cave 17 times, sometimes staying there for several days until they could return to the village. The cohesion among the villagers was very impressive and that they did not betray the family despite the great threat was a very great deed. The attitude was: “Whoever loses even a word about the family can pack the their things and does not need to come back”. She and her family financed the renovation of the amphitheater 2018. For the deeds the village received the Yad Vashem – Righteous Among the Nations award.
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